NSS - What you need to know

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What you need to know about the NSS

Over the next couple of weeks, if you’re a final year undergraduate student, the University is going to start asking you to fill in the National Student Survey (NSS). We want you to be informed about what the NSS is, and how it impacts the University.

What is the NSS?

The National Student Survey (NSS) is a market survey for undergraduate students in their final year at universities in the UK to fill in to give feedback on their course and experience at university.

Should I fill in the NSS?

Yes, we support the use of NSS as a drive for improving the student experience at Solent and would encourage final year students to be as honest as possible when filling it out. We hope by students being transparent about their experience at Solent it will highlight areas of success within the University, whilst also proving useful feedback help make positive change.

Why did some Students’ Unions Boycott the NSS?

Last year the National Union of Students led a boycott of the NSS. This was due to the NSS being used as one of the metrics by the government in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). Many Students’ Unions do not agree that the NSS is an accurate measure of “teaching excellence”.

The Government then planned to use the Teaching Excellence Framework to rank Universities into Bronze, Silver and Gold; and based on those results allow universities to increase their tuition fees (with Gold and Silver universities being able to charge more).

What’s happening this year?

Following on from the work of the NUS and Students’ Unions around the country the government have put a freeze on the increase of fees, capping them at £9,250. The impact NSS has on the TEF as a metric has also been reduced by half, and many student unions around the country are no longer running an active boycott on the NSS.

What other ways can you feedback into the University?

The Students’ Union is here to support you with feedback into the University. There are a number of ways you can engage with us and the University to represent your academic interests. These include:

  • Speak to your course rep
  • Visit the Students' Union Advice Service
  • Nominate a member of staff for a STAR award
  • Visit or Contact your elected Sabbatical Officers
  • Submit a motion for the Union to campaign on here

Because of students feedback, this year alone, we have been able to delay the rollout of increased costs for graduation, ensured new computer rooms had the required software and piloted a School Rep scheme, to allow a clearer line of communication between course reps and their schools.

Complete the NSS here


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