Academic Representation
Academic Reps are the eyes and the ears of our Students’ Union and act as the bridge between Solent Students’ Union and the University. Their core function is to represent their cohorts voice by collecting feedback on their course and department experience - both good and bad. Feedback is used to create positive change, ensuring your University experience is the best it can be.
How does being an Academic Rep work?
The Academic Representation system is a simple hierarchy system that allows your feedback to be fed up to our VP Education Sabbatical Officer.
There are two types of Academic Representatives. You can find out more information about each role, who your reps are and how to apply if you want to become a Course or Department Rep by clicking the buttons below.
Department Reps: They ensure that all Course Representatives are supported in their work across different courses in the same department. They deal with issues and complaints that are happening across a whole department and they work closely with the VP Education to resolve them and listen to your feedback. Department Reps are elected into position during our Solent Elections.
Course Reps: They represent the students on their course to Solent University and ensure that their voices are heard. They consult with students to identify any issues they are facing and any feedback they have
All academic representatives will have a key meeting where they will work with staff on the feedback they have received, and they will also work very closely with our VP Education to make change happen at the very top!
Could you lead your student group? Solent Elections!
The Students’ Union is for students’, run by students. Elections are where you, Solent students, decide who will represent you at Solent University, championing your voice within the university, Students' Union and the wider community.
Applications for Solent Elections 2024/25 will open on Friday 9th February at 10am and will close on Tuesday 5th March at 12pm. You can apply by clicking here.
Need more help?
Why not book in a meeting with our Student Voice Lead using their dedicated office hours to help our academic reps. These times will be kept free as much as possible so you can have a regular and dedicated space for help!
If you still have questions, please email or pop in and see us!