Nominations for our 2025 Elections are now open!!
What roles can I apply for?
Sabbatical Officers:
Union President- Student Voice
Union President- Communities and Wellbeing
Volunteer Officers:
ABMO Students’ Officer
LGBT+ Students’ Officer
Trans Students’ Officer
Warsash Community Officer
Women’s Officer
Post Graduate Students’ Officer
International Students’ Officer
Disability Students’ Officer
Additional Roles:
Chair of Student Council
How do I vote?
Voting is open from Monday 24th February at 10am to Friday 28th February at 3pm.
Voting can be cast both online and in-person at a polling station. Polling stations can be found near our election events.
To view our full list of election events, please click here. All our election events are free.
To vote online, please click here.
All voting will be available 24/7 online and from 10am to 4pm on physical polling stations during the elections period.
What roles can I vote for?
Our Solent Elections 2025/2026 revolve around our Sabbatical Officer and Volunteer Officer positions. These are:
Sabbatical Officers:
Union President- Student Voice
Union President- Communities and Wellbeing
Volunteer Officers:
ABMO Students’ Officer
LGBT+ Students’ Officer
Trans Students’ Officer
Warsash Community Officer
Women’s Officer
Post Graduate Students’ Officer
International Students’ Officer
Disability Students’ Officer
Additional Roles:
Chair of Student Council
Candidate booklet
You can find all the information on who is running in this years Solent Elections by viewing our candidate booklet here. Take your time and read through each candidate's pledges and decide where you want your vote to go!
FAQS on voting
Why is it important that I vote?
Every vote counts! We have a relatively small number of votes every year, but we're hoping to increase this number as time goes on as we need to hear from as many students as possible about what change YOU want to see at Solent University.
That means your vote really does matter! Try to spend a few minutes researching the candidates, which you can do so here, selecting Sabbatical and Volunteer Officers who will be effective and work on things you think are a priority can really change your university experience for the better.
Can I vote for more than one person?
Here at Solent Students' Union, we use the Alternative Voting system (AV). With AV, the voter puts a number by each candidate, with one for their favourite, two for their second favourite and so on. Voters can put numbers on as many or as few as they wish.
A candidate will be elected if more than half the voters put them down as their favourite. If nobody gets half, the numbers provide instructions for where you want your vote to go if your favourite candidate cannot win. The candidate who came last is eliminated and the counters look at these instructions to move the votes of the people who voted for them to their second favourite candidate. This process continues until one candidate has half of the votes and is elected.
AV is used in elections that have one post available. All our elections, both for Volunteer and Sabbatical officers, have one position each.
Can I vote in-person?
Yes! We have previously opporated through an online voting system only, however we have now moving to a hybrid-model of both online and in-person voting.
You can cast your vote in-person at any of our election events. A full list can be found here.
You can vote online here, or at one of our many events through one of our voting devices. It takes seconds to fill in, so no time at all!