About Us

Welcome to the new Ace Magazine!

If you are passionate about media, writing, photography, graphic design, animation, social media or art, Ace Magazine is the place for you!

Ace Magazine is looking for new members! We are looking for a Deputy Editor and Treasurer as well as just passionate students who can create content for the Magazine!

Ace Magazine is a new era of Solent University’s magazines. A former Sonar magazine has now a new name, a new brand, and a new vision. 

Ace is the perfect chance for either work experience for everyone and a great chance to have your work published on different platforms - our social media and blog! 

Our new approach to our magazine is to give students the freedom to create about whatever they are passionate about. 

If you have any questions please email us at acemaguk@solentsu.co.uk or @acemagazineuk on Instagram and @acemagazine_uk on Twitter!