Statement on Brianna Ghey's tragic death

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A statement from Solent Students' Union:

"Solent Students' Union (Solent SU) is saddened to hear about the tragic death of Brianna Ghey. Our thoughts are with her family and friends during this devastating time. 

"We understand that the news of this fatal attack on a young trans girl will have a huge impact on many of our students, especially those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. The way the media and online spaces have treated trans* people (especially trans women) and incited hatred is unacceptable. This includes, but is not exclusive of, the misgendering of Brianna and Solent SU does not stand for this. We ask all media outlets to respect all trans* individuals, in all instances, including using their correct pronouns. 

"Solent SU does not tolerate violence, in any form, and targeted attacks have no place in our student movement. We do not want any of our students to feel scared or worried that they cannot be their true self. Solent SU is continuously working to ensure an inclusive and progressive environment, both at Solent University and within the wider community in Southampton.  

"Solent SU will be internally reviewing our services to understand how to support our trans* students better at Solent University. We work closely with the Solent LGBTQ+ Society and our Trans+ Officer and will continue to do so to ensure effective representation and liberation so our students feel safe and included, while ensuring there is always two-way communication for us to learn and do better to support.

"We are here to help any students affected during this time, as well as Solent University, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via email or in person. If you are able to donate to the GoFundMe page to help fund Brianna’s funeral costs, please click here."



A statement from the Solent LGBTQ+ society:

"The murder of Brianna Ghey is both heart-breaking and sickening and our thoughts are entirely with her family and friends. Brianna was an incredibly strong, fearless individual and was a role model for queer children, she was ‘one of a kind’ and had an attitude that was ‘larger than life’, and she is a symbol for the many, many trans youth around the world. 

"However, this news does not come as a surprise. 

"Hate crimes against trans and LGBTQ+ people have increased at an alarming rate in the last 5 years, and in a system where media outlets and politicians alike shun us as wrong and immoral, what happened to Brianna was inevitable. 

"It is easy to say that transphobia isn’t a issue, but for people like Brianna it means life or death. 

"Rest in power."


