Solent Referenda 2023
Due to the Board of Trustees of Southampton Solent Students’ Union passing a resolution in accordance with bye law 5.1.a, I hereby announce the notice of a referenda on our affiliation to the National Union of Students UK and NUS Charity.
This notice contains the following information:
The question for the referenda will be;
Should Solent Students' Union disaffiliate from the NUS UK & NUS Charity?
Key Referendum Dates:
Campaigning Period: 21st September (10am) – 22nd September (4pm)
Voting Period: 21st September (10am) – 22nd September (4pm)
Details of who is eligible to nominate and vote:
All full Members (as per Bye Law 1.1.1) of Solent Students’ Union are eligible to participate in elections and referendums. Associate Members (as per Bye Law 1.1.2), Reciprocal Members (as per Bye Law 1.1.3) and students who have opted out of Students’ Union membership cannot participate in any democratic processes of the Students’ Union or election.
Where to get further information:
Details about the referenda and how to participate can be found at the following:
How to Vote:
Voting will take place online at:, and there will be physical voting booths available in the multi-use hall during freshers fair (10am until 4pm both days).

Winston Alla,
SU President
13th September 2023
Enquiries about the referenda should be directed to: