VP Welfare & Community, Hanna Head, manifesto

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So what is a manifesto? Well, it's simple really. A manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims, issued before an election. On a national scale this may be by a political party but as part of Sabbatical Officer Elections, it's by an individual. The manifesto is what a candidate uses to help convince voters that they are the right person for the job and they are worthy of a vote.

Back in March Solent students voted Hanna Head as the VP Welfare and Community for the 17/18 academic year. Here is her manifesto;



MANIFESTO 2017/2018

Sabbatical officers & your SU are CRUCIAL right now. At Solent some staff jobs are ‘at risk’, university budgets are being cut, tuition fees are rising and WMA is moving into central Southampton. All of these issues are HUGE and have an enormous impact on you. Since July, we have been fighting these issues and working non-stop to support you, and make life at Solent better for everybody.

Several of the points we’ve been working on require more than a year, which is why you should re-elect us. We wont need time to adjust into the role and as a team we will be able to:

  • Continue to support Warsash with the upcoming move
  • Host open forums for students to come & discuss issues they face
  • Continue reviewing the democratic processes in the Union
  • Set aside specific time each week to work on policies passed by students

Here’s some highlights from my year; university trialling gender neutral toilets, £1500 for liberation societies, live briefs to students on consent, promoted sustainability initiatives to students, support for Ask for Angela with the university & community, LGBT+ focused NHS advice, reworking reporting policies for harassment & discrimination, supported liberation groups, and supporting students 24/7!

If re-elected, my focus for the year will be making our campus more welcoming to all by focusing on:

  • Solent as a community: Develop relationships with the trade unions at Solent, so staff across the university are being supported & recognising that staff issues have an impact on students.
  • Students as activists: Re-run Activist Academy & host open training sessions. Better training for student officers and all student leaders on campaigning, intersectionality and inclusion.
  • Students in the community: Create a project to highlight and celebrate the benefits that students bring to the city. Complete research on events that students want - non-drinking especially.
  • Liberation groups: Increased support for liberation societies, and liberation specific forums to discuss the issues faced on campus, & continuing to work on securing better facilities for groups that need it.
  • Student safety: Finalising the Safe Taxi Scheme, finalising Ask for Angela within the city and finishing work on clearer reporting processes for discrimination and harassment within the university.
  • Student support: Lobbying to protect and increase funding to support services, and for support in new areas such as substance misuse.

For more information or to discuss any points or to discuss any points of the manifesto you can contact Hanna directly on su.welfare@solent.ac.uk


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